Nghĩa của từ hepatotoxicity|hepatotoxicities bằng Tiếng Anh


quality of being poisonous to liver cells

Đặt câu với từ "hepatotoxicity|hepatotoxicities"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "hepatotoxicity|hepatotoxicities", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ hepatotoxicity|hepatotoxicities, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ hepatotoxicity|hepatotoxicities trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. Traditional Antileptic drug -Highly protein bound-Dizziness, drowsiness, hepatotoxicity

2. Side effects consisted of nausea, vomiting, anorexia, alopecia, phlebitis, hepatotoxicity, and neurotoxicity.

3. Abstract AIDS: Use of 17 alpha-Alkylated anabolic-androgenic steroids (17alpha-AAS) has been connected to hepatotoxicity

4. Elevations of serum transaminase are usually transient and dose-related, but occasionally can indicate severe hepatotoxicity.

5. Here we aimed to determine dosing time-dependent hepatotoxicity of Brucine, and to investigate the role of metabolism in generation of Brucine chronotoxicity

6. Recently we established a Microminipig (MMPig) model of atherosclerosis induced by high fat/high cholesterol (Cho) diet containing sodium Cholate (SC), which is known to cause hepatotoxicity

7. This set of recommendations addresses hepatotoxicity of existing drug substances and associated drug products in new drug submissions (NDSs), abbreviated new drug submissions (ANDSs), Supplements and Notifiable Changes and marketed products.

8. The addition of Cysteine to parenteral nutrition (PN) allows for the reduction of the amount of methionine in PN, thereby limiting hepatotoxicity, and acidifies the solution

9. Chan, "Systematic review and meta-analysis of the tolerability and hepatotoxicity of Antifungals in empirical and definitive therapy for invasive fungal infection," Antimicrobial Agents and …

10. Coumarin has been used as an aroma enhancer in pipe tobaccos and certain alcoholic drinks, although in general it is banned as a flavorant food additive, due to concerns regarding its hepatotoxicity in animal models.

11. Although the acute toxicity of hexabromobiphenyl is low, a number of chronic toxic effects including hepatotoxicity have been observed in experimental animals at doses around # mg/kg bw/day following long-term exposure, and effects are seen in the rat thyroid at doses as low as # mg/kg bw/day

12. Although the acute toxicity of hexabromobiphenyl is low, a number of chronic toxic effects including hepatotoxicity have been observed in experimental animals at doses around 1 mg/kg bw/day following long-term exposure, and effects are seen in the rat thyroid at doses as low as 0.05 mg/kg bw/day.